
People ask 'what should I upgrade?' way too often...here's a basic guide to help.

First: Clan Castle and Camps. More troops means more gold and more war wins.
Second: Resources. Gold and elixer should be maxed at TH 10 and your DE drill as soon as CC and camps are finished.
Third: Troops. Do tanks, then splash, then single. Decide which single troop by looking at the increase in DPS (damage per second).
Fourth: Defenses. Splash before single, air and land before air or land.

The reason you complete defenses last is so because your position in war, and our opponents, are determined by how strong defensively your base is. You can be a TH 9, with max troops, and be rated the same as a high TH 8.

This isn't the same as rushing, don't ignore upgrades just to get to the 'cool' stuff. You should still upgrade everything before you touch your TH, just concentrate on offense before defense.

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